Flowers and honeybees

Coneflower! or echinacea? or BOTH?

Until I Googled “coneflower” just now, I didn’t know that coneflowers = echinacea. But you probably did.

In case you, like me, DIDN’T know… echinacea (commonly pronounced “ek-in-AY-shuh”) is supposed to naturally boost your immune system. Studies still seem to be conflicting as to whether or not it actually does much good, but since the main side effects seem only be problematic if you’re allergic, ya might as well try it (as long as you have an epi-pen nearby).

9 Comments to “Flowers and honeybees”

  1. Looks like the bee is in bliss and knowled out with all that nectar

  2. Looks like the bee is in bliss and knocked out with all that nectar

  3. That must be a very healthy bee (as honey also is supposed te be good for your health)

    Just a note: if you are taking regular medicines it might be wise to be a bit carefull with herbal medicines as in some cases they might have some influence on the working of the regular medicine. Ask your physician if in doubt!

    • Absolutely agree. I’m skeptical of any “medicine” that doesn’t have FDA approval.

      P.S. I can’t comment on your blog via the JS-kit comment form. 😦

  4. wonderful click. Such a nice click. And thanks for the info about the flower.

    • Thank you for the kind words!

      I’d reiterate, but I can’t comment on your blog. 😦

      (The non-default Blogspot comment form and WordPress IDs don’t play nice, and you don’t have anonymous comments enabled. 😦 )

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